Privacy Policy

Last Updated: November 28, 2023

We understand the importance of privacy for our users, especially in online transactions. This document outlines our privacy practices for users visiting the Site without transacting business (“Users”) and those registering to use our various services (“Authorized Customers”).

Definition of Personally Identifiable Information
"Personally Identifiable Information" refers to any data that can identify, contact, or locate an individual, including name, address, phone number, email, financial profiles, social security number, and credit card details. It excludes anonymous data and demographic information not connected to an identified individual.

Collection of Information
We collect basic profile information from all users. Additional data collected from Authorized Users includes names, email addresses, phone numbers, and addresses.

Third-Party Information Collection
Third-party service vendors such as credit card companies and banks involved in financial services may not collect information.

Use of Personally Identifiable Information
We use this information to tailor the Site experience, offer appropriate services, and fulfill requests. This includes emailing users about opportunities and responding to inquiries.

Information Sharing
We may share information among Authorized Customers for potential transactions. Aggregated data about users and Authorized Customers can be shared with affiliated agencies and third-party vendors. Opt-out options are available.

Data Storage and Security
CRS Network Plt securely stores collected information, accessible only for indicated uses. We regularly audit our security measures.

User Choices
Users can opt out of unsolicited communications or request updates to their data by contacting us at

Cookies Usage
Our Site uses cookies for various purposes, including user preferences and security. Users can refuse cookies, but it may affect Site functionality.

Login Information Usage
We analyze login information like IP addresses and browser types for site administration and trend analysis.

Children\'s Privacy
Our Service is not intended for children under 18. We do not knowingly collect data from children under 18.

Compliance With Laws
We disclose Personally Identifiable Information to comply with legal requests or to protect our users.

Policy Changes
Changes to our privacy policy will be posted on the Site. If changes might lead to disclosure of previously requested undisclosed data, we will inform affected users.

External Links Our Site contains links to other sites. We encourage reviewing their privacy policies as they may differ from ours.

Contact Information
For queries about this Privacy Policy, contact us at